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Beijiang Power Plant a first-batch national pilot project of recycled economy

April 6, 2007

Reporter Li Chuan, April 6: On April 4, Huang Xingguo, Deputy Secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Executive Vice Mayor of Tianjin, met with SDIC Leading Party Group Secretary and President Wang Huisheng and his delegation at the Guesthouse and discussed with them related issues of common interest to accelerate the construction of the Beijiang Power Plant, a recycled economy project.

Huang Xingguo, first of all, expressed his welcome to Wang Huisheng and his delegation and thanked them for SDIC's long-term support to Tianjin's development. He said that SDIC earnestly carries out the strategic deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, actively participates in the development and opening-up of the Tianjin Binhai New Area, has invested in quite a few projects and has achieved fruitful results. Since the foundation-laying ceremony in May last year, Beijiang Power Plant has been witnessing smooth progress in its construction. And President Wang's visit would help promote the construction of the project, which demonstrates SDIC has been paying important attention to the Beijiang Power Plant project. The project is listed as one of the key projects of the country in its 11th Five-Year Plan period. It is not only a national pilot project of recycled economy, but also a key project that promotes the development and opening-up of the Tianjin Binhai New Area. Huang required all departments concerned give their full support to the project, provide good services and create a sound environment for large companies and groups.

Huang also urged related districts, counties and work units in Tianjin to give full support to the project in the sectors of railway construction, allocation of project land-use and use of sea areas in accordance with related regulations. The Beijiang Power Plant is a complete industrial chain of recycled economy, involving many links such as seawater desalting and dense salty water utilization, and building materials made of ashes and dregs. He urged the Beijiang Power Plant project and related work units, districts and counties to strengthen communication, draft plan in advance and start construction as early as possible to guarantee the recycled economy project to be completed and put into operation on schedule.

Wang Huisheng said that the Beijiang Power Plant recycled economy project combines the functions of electricity generation, seawater desalting, salt making, saving land and recycled use of wastes and is a first-batch national pilot project of recycled economy approved by the State Council. SDIC will standardize its operation, take strict management measures and give full support to its construction so that the project will be built into a model of resource-saving and environment-friendly project and a model harmonious project of recycled economy.


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