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​SDIC Power’s Red Rock Power Limited Participates in the Themed Mini- documentary Film of the Chinese-British Business Circles to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the China-UK Diplomatic Relations


On January 17th, the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK launched a themed mini documentary film of the Chinese-British business circles to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the China-UK diplomatic relations. SDIC Power’s Red Rock Power Limited is one of the 17 Chinese enterprises highlighted in the documentary film. Chen Xiaomeng, Chief Commercial Officer (Deputy General Manager) of Red Rock Power Limited, shared his experience and his view on the company’s development in the UK.

The following are quotes of Chen:

“Red Rock Power is an investor, owner, developer and operator of renewable energy projects in the UK backed by our shareholder SDIC Power, a leading power generation company in China.”

“Since I joined the business five years ago, the business has grown from less than thirty employees to around eighty employees now. We are the first company with a Chinese shareholder to invest and develop large-scale offshore wind projects in the UK. We were involved in the development of Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm which was the fourth largest offshore wind farm in the world at the time of COD and still the largest operational offshore wind farm in Scotland.”

“Now we’re developing another major offshore wind project in the UK which will become one of the country’s largest single sources of renewable energy projects powering up to 1 million homes. We will continue to grow our UK green portfolio, and we are also pursuing development and acquisition opportunities to expand further into the European market and other sustainable energy technologies like solar, battery storage and hydrogen,  with the aim to generating a sustainable low carbon future.”


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