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​SDIC Chuangyi is selected for The 2021-2022 Collection of Outstanding ESG Investment Cases


In recent years, China’s preference on economic development has gradually been shifted from high-speed growth to high-quality growth. The concept of ESG, long-term value and sustainable development is being favored by the market. The 21st Century Venture Capital Institute has recently published The 2021-2022 Collection of Outstanding ESG Investment Cases in order to highlight the ESG investment development, publicize outstanding investment cases and promote investment institutions to better implement ESG in their investment activities in the PE investment sector. SDIC Chuangyi outperformed other counterparts with its outstanding achievements in building a featured investment management system and promoting high-quality rural revitalization.

SDIC Chuangyi considers it its responsibility to serve the country’s strategy of guaranteeing people’s livelihood, integrates ESG into its investment activities in serving rural revitalization, assists the development of underdeveloped regions and promotes the high-quality development of rural areas through the means of serving the country’s strategy of food security, building new energy industrial chain, and promoting medical service facility construction.

In practice, SDIC Chuangyi makes best use of the experience of closed-loop management system and integrates ESG investment management system with the needs of rural revitalization to have established the ESG+ impact investment management system. SDIC Chuangyi has also officially joined the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. SDIC Chuangyi carries out comprehensively impact investment that serves rural development, makes environment-friendly investment, shares the benefits of development, ensures effective governance and makes sure its investment contributing to rural development, the realization of carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, and common prosperity so as to make its investment to play an important role in serving the country’s strategy of guaranteeing people’s livelihood, promoting high-quality green development in rural areas, rural industry upgrading, urban-rural integration and contributing to the realization of rural revitalization that is featured with prosperous industries, pleasant living environment, rural civilization, effective governance and affluent rural life.

Up to date, SDIC has invested a total of 50 billion RMB yuan in the country’s most underdeveloped regions and its investment has succeeded in stimulating more than 340 billion RMB yuan social capital to invest in the poverty-stricken regions, which have created more than 3.5 million job opportunities for the locals, brought the employed with 400 billion RMB yuan in income and contributed 90 billion RMB yuan to the local coffers in taxes. SDIC Chuangyi has become a shining brand and important implementer of the central SOEs in serving the country’s poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategy.

Being selected as one of the outstanding investment cases for the collection affirms the achievements of SDIC Chuangyi in implementing the ESG philosophy in its investment activities and its efforts to rural development. In the new development stage, SDIC Chuangyi will continue to enrich and optimize its ESG investment philosophy and adhere to its investment principle so as to help people create a better life through investment and contribute to the country’s drive to realize its second centennial goal.


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