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SDIC Chuangyi Wins Top 20 CSR & Carbon Neutrality Investment Institution Award


FOFWEEKLY released online the 2021 rankings of the country’s investment institutions on March 18, 2022, focusing on the leading organizations that have the strongest sustainable growth capability in the new business ecosystem. Based on the open, fair and just principles, combining quantitative and qualitative assessment, and using long-term durability and development, continuous operation and return and CSR practices as important indicators, the 2021 rankings are designed to award the leading organizations that play a model role in the promotion of social development. SDIC Chuangyi was honored the Top 20 CSR and Carbon Neutrality Investment Institution Award in the rankings.

In 2021, SDIC Chuangyi closely followed the country’s rural vitalization strategy and focused its investment in the key sectors of agricultural consumption products, advanced manufacturing, clean energy, new energy materials, and medical care and health services in a bid to contribute more to rural vitalization. SDIC Chuangyi invested 20 billion yuan in 44 projects in 2021, having brought its accumulative investment in rural vitalization projects to a total of 54.8 billion yuan. Such investment has also stimulated 340 billion yuan of social investment, created 2.16 million jobs, generated 102.9 billion yuan in income for the employed, and contributed 65.2 billion yuan in tax revenues to local governments, which has become an important enabler and special brand for a central SOE to serve the national rural vitalization strategy.

To help realize the country’s carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality goals, SDIC Chuangyi invested in 2021 in the clean energy enterprises of Huadian Fuxin Energy Corporation Limited, CGN Wind Energy Limited and Xinjiang Xinhua Hydroelectric Investment Co., Ltd.. In addition, SDIC Chuangyi invested in 34 projects in underdeveloped regions that involve in wind power, photovoltaic, hydro power, nuclear power and biomass power generation. Planned installation capacity of such power projects totals 98.4955 million kilowatts (3.201 million kilowatts when calculated by equity share ratio), which is equivalent to saving 1.21 million tons of standard coal, reducing 3.35 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, and promoting the construction of a clean, low carbon and multi-energy inclusive modern energy system. SDIC Chuangyi also invested in the enterprises of Chengxin Lithium, CGNR Advance Materials Co., Ltd., Zhenhua E-Chem, Hunan Changyuan Lico Co., Ltd., Leap Motor, and Weltmeister Motor, etc.. Such investment involves in annual battery output of 18.75GWH and more than 45,000 EVs, which has helped the underdeveloped regions to develop their new energy industry on fast lane and accelerate the building-up of a clean and low carbon energy system in the rural areas.

The Top 20 CSR and Carbon Neutrality Investment Institution Award indicates that SDIC Chuangyi has won full recognition from the industry for its market operation capability and professional management in serving the national strategy and implementing its corporate social responsibility. SDIC Chuangyi is determined to continue to play its guiding and stimulating role of State-owned capital in future investment in a bid to contribute more to the realization of the country’s second centenary goal through coordinating and integrating resources, and mobilizing more social capital into the rural vitalization drive.




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