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SDIC CFO Li Ruge Heads a Delegation to Guizhou for Field study of Rural Revitalization


SDIC Chief Accountant Li Ruge headed a delegation to southern part of Guizhou Province for field study of paired assistance and rural revitalization on December 8-10, 2021. They held seminars with SDIC paired assistance counties of Luodian and Pingtang. They also inspected projects, workshops, villages and townships which SDIC provides assistance for their development. Purpose of the tour is to help to solidify the achievements of poverty elimination and further boost rural revitalization.

On December 8, Li and his delegation visited Luodian County No. 5 Primary School, learned about the assistance from SDIC to the school and interacted with the pupils and teachers. They also visited Luodian County Special Education School and learned about the school's development.

At the Luodian County Chengbei Health Service Center, Li learned about the information and project planning of the service center and praised the medical assistance project which helps to provide medical services to the locals.

Later on, Li and his delegation held a seminar on paired assistance with leading officials of Luodian County Party Committee and Luodian County Government. Liang Yulin, Secretary of Luodian County Party Committee, welcomed the SDIC delegation on behalf of the Luodian County Party Committee and Luodian County Government. Deputy County Head Wang Chuang reported to the delegation about the progress of the key projects assisted by SDIC.

Li said that SDIC firmly implements the strategic decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting rural revitalization, perform earnestly its social responsibility and follows the requirements on solidifying the achievements of poverty elimination to constantly help Luodian County to enhance its foundation of poverty elimination; make full use of the platform advantage of SDIC and give play to the guiding role of the Central Enterprise Rural Industrial Investment Fund under the management of SDIC Chuangyi; find out the special features and resource advantages of Luodian County, combine them with the capital and industrial operation advantages of SDIC and work out targets of the next step paired assistance to make substantial achievements in the county's rural revitalization drive.

At the seminar, SDIC Communications donated money to residents with financial difficulties in Luodian County.

In the morning of December 9, Li and his delegation came to Luohua Village, Longping Town and inspected the vegetable sorting center and vegetable production base. In Mahuai Village, Moyang Town, they visited the village exhibition hall and conducted field study on the paired assistance project.

In the afternoon, Li and his delegation came to Jingzhou Village, Pingzhou Town, Pingtang County and visited Meng Jingfen, a low income family. Li had cordial conversations with Meng and learned about her income source and electricity and water usage.

At the village committee, Li paid a visit to Luo Hao, First Secretary of the village and a SDIC cadre serving temporary position in the village. Li encouraged Luo to do more to help the village's development.

Later on, Li visited the Jinpen Street Embroidery Workshop, Pingtang County, and learned about the Maonan embroidery products and employment of the relocated people.

On December 10, Li and his delegation held a seminar on paired assistance with leaders of Pingtang County Party Committee and Pingtang County Government. Shi Guohong, Deputy Secretary of Pingtang County Party Committee, welcomed the SDIC delegation and thanked SDIC for its nearly 20-year assistance to the county on behalf of the county Party committee and county government. Xu Keping, Deputy Head of Pingtang County, briefed to the delegation about the progress of relevant projects assisted by SDIC.

At the seminar, Li praised the poverty elimination achievements by Pingtang County. He said that in the next step, SDIC will firmly implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and perform earnestly the mission and responsibility of SDIC as a central SOE to do well its job on paired assistance; in the meantime, SDIC will combine its advantage with that of Pingtang County, take effective measures and build demonstration projects of rural revitalization; and SDIC cadres who serve temporary positions in the county should give play to their role of bridging the county with SDIC, tap the local resource advantages and make active connections so that SDIC and Pingtang County Party Committee and Pingtang County Government will work together to make even greater contributions to the rural revitalization of the county.

At the seminar, SDIC Power donated 1.8 million yuan RMB to Pingtang County.

The SDIC delegation consisted of leading executives from a SDIC department and SDIC Power, SDIC Communications.


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