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SDIC and ABC Sign Agreement on Jointly Serving Rural Revitalization Strategy


The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) and SDIC, Sinochem, COFCO, Sinograin, China National Agricultural Development Group Co., Ltd., China Forestry Group Corporation signed with Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) respectively on jointly serving the rural revitalization strategy in Beijing on December 3, 2021. Hao Peng, Party Secretary and Chairman of SASAC, delivered a speech at the signing ceremony. SDIC Chairman Bai Tao and top executives of the signatory enterprises attended the ceremony and witnessed the signing of the agreements. ABC Chairman Gu Shu delivered a speech. SASAC Vice Chairman Yuan Ye, SDIC Chief Accountant Li Ruge and leading executives of other central SOEs signed the agreements respectively on behalf of their organizations.

SASAC Chairman Hao Peng thanked ABC for its long-term support to the central SOEs of SASAC. He said that in recent years, the State-owned central enterprises firmly implement the important instructions of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, and have made active contributions to high quality development of agriculture and winning the fight against poverty. He expressed his hope that the central enterprises and ABC will further deepen their practical cooperation and serve the national strategy better.

ABC Chairman Gu Shu said that ABC and SASAC, the central enterprises will continue to deepen cooperation in serving agriculture, farmers and rural areas and supporting the fight against poverty, and maintain sound cooperation relationships. At the new historical era of pushing forward all-round rural revitalization, ABC is willing to join hands with the central enterprises to serve the rural revitalization.

According to the agreement, SDIC will launch cooperation with ABC in the key areas of agriculture-related credit and loans and rural industrial funds, etc..

Present at the signing ceremony were also SASAC Chief Accountant Zhao Shitang, SDIC Board Secretary Li Baolin and leading officials and executives from SASAC departments and bureaus, and related departments of signatory companies.


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