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SDIC Venture Capital-invested Kede CNC Successfully Listed on SSE Star Market


Kede Numerical Control Co., Ltd., a high-end numerical control machine tool enterprise in the country, was successfully listed on SSE Star Market on July 9th, 2021, stock code 688305.

Kede Numerical Control Co., Ltd., also known as Kede CNC, is a key enterprise of the national science and technology major project. Through heavy investment, SDIC Venture Capital vows to give strong support to the application and development of the country’s high-end CNC machine tools and help the industry to solve its bottleneck problem in the equipment and technology area.

Machine tools play a decisive role in modern industry. Five-axis CNC machine tool technology is not only one of the major indicators of a country’s technological level of manufacturing equipment automation, but also the sole tool for manufacturing airplane engine impellers, blisks, blades, and marine propellers. For a long time, the country relied heavily on large amount imports of such machine tools.

Established in 2008, Kede CNC is a new and hi-tech enterprise which has made technological breakthroughs in five-axis CNC machine tools, high-end NC systems and key functional components. Kede CNC now has core technology and total solution with its own complete intellectual property rights, and high-end CNC machine tools produced by the company are now applied in the country’s key industries of aeronautics, astronautics, clean energy and automobile.

Kede CNC has 172 international and domestic patents. In June 2018, SDIC Venture Capital started its investment in Kede CNC, becoming its largest institutional shareholder.


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