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SDIC Holds Development Seminar 2020: Blueprint for the 14th Five-year Plan


From 2ndto 3rd Sept, SDIC held its Development Seminar 2020 in Beijing. SDIC Chairman Bai Tao delivered a speech. SDIC President Shi Hongxiang gave opening remarks. Vice President Qian Meng, CFO Li Ruge, Vice President Du Wenming and Yang Xiaohui and others attended the seminar.


During the seminar, persons in charge of different departments, subsidiaries and organizations gave guiding presentations focusing on 14 important aspects. Experts from the National Information Centre gave a lecture on the 14th Five-year Plan of China. More than 80 representatives were divided into four groups to exchange ideas on the new blueprint of the 14th Five-year Plan.


In his speech, Bai Tao pointed out that representatives had been listening attentively to the lecture on the blueprint of the 14th Five-year Plan, expressed their own ideas and reached consensus. During the group discussion, they talked about their understanding and thinking, made clear work path, measures and enhanced their sense of responsibility, pressure and mission. Bai Tao said that SDIC would make the following breakthroughs in eight aspects.

  1. integration of party building and SDIC’s central task

  2. adaption to new changes and new development

  3. strong headquarter with high efficiency and good coordination

  4. striving for a sound environment for development

  5. giving talents enough level-plain ground

  6. deepening reform of differentiated management originated from mixed ownership

  7. promoting business coordination

  8. stream-ling business layout


Bai Tao briefed the audience on the performance of SDIC from Jan. to Aug. He said that given the performance in the first eight months, most of SDIC’s businesses were better than expectation. SDIC had achieved steady development with steady increase in revenue and income. Bai Tao talked about three requirements to address the existing shortcomings. Firstly, we should strengthen pre-judgement to ensure the fulfillment of the goal for the year. Secondly, we should make clear the responsibility to ensure the fulfilment of debt ratio control goal. Thirdly, we should make more efforts on special tasks such as efficiency enhancement and loss control.


In the group discussion, the attendants discussed about deepening reform, speeding up development and enhancing management. They opened their minds and exchanged ideas in depth. They analyzed the difficulties and problems as well as challenges and opportunities facing SDIC’s current development. They gave their suggestions and ideas for a high-quality 14thFive-year Plan which inspired each other.


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